When I decided that I was going to launch my own smoothie company, packaging was one of the first elements I dived head first into. As a grab-and-go style enterprise, blended requires the use of a takeaway container – or a take-away cup in my instance. Round top, flat top, double edged, double layered, standard, no hole, wide hole - the possibilities for my humble smoothie cup were endless and bountiful. However once I started doing the numbers and researching my options, I was very quickly becoming aware of the offset of my product – the negative impact if you will – that I was potentially about to cause. How did these cups come about? Where would these cups go once used? What would become of them and its surrounding environment?
With plastic waste posing one of the biggest threats of pollution on Hong Kong’s beaches, I was determined that blended was not going to contribute to that growing statistic. Which is why, when it came to choosing my packaging, I couldn’t go past Vegware. If you have been lucky enough to try one of my delicious blended smoothies, you will have been served it in a cup that is 100% compostable. How awesome is that! Blended cups are made from renewable or recycled materials and can be disposed of along with your regular food waste. Our stylish cups contain 55% less carbon than regular PET plastic and 62% less carbon that polystyrene. Hail Vegware! And the eco-friendly company are really making a dent in the Hong Kong hospitality industry, with lots of well-known brands and establishments, swapping to this fairer variety.

Functional and sustainable, Vegware are sincerely changing the face of Hong Kong’s eco-system and blended are proud to be a part of that.
So next time you’re sucking down one of our yummy blends, take comfort in the fact that everything - from the ingredients to the container – are real, safe and non-toxic. Just the way blended intended.
From one green thumb to another,